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Microblading 俄亥俄州哥伦布市



Life is too short to spend plucking, waxing and riskily shaving 你r eyebrows on a near-daily basis. 与 microblading, 你可以在早上醒来时拥有完美的眉毛, the confidence that comes with them and one less thing to worry about as 你 enter 你r day. 这个美容手术可以让你变瘦, 畸形的眉毛变成了丰满, 你梦寐以求的充满活力的眉毛.




It doesn’t matter if 你 like them thin with a little arch or bold and straight across, 眉毛可以说是你最重要的面部特征. They frame 你r eyes, brighten 你r face and give 你 a more 你thful appearance. When our eyebrows are on point, the world just seems that much closer to perfect.



很多患者都在为自己不喜欢的眉毛而挣扎. And it can take some time for them to fully recover — no matter if 你’re dealing with the repercussions from that time 你 over-plucked them back in high school, or after a trip to the salon when 你 realized 你r stylist waxed them unevenly. 恢复和再生的时间意味着花费时间(和金钱)!) on pencils, gels and the like to fill in sparse areas and temporarily repair the damage done. Microblading在一次会话中就完成了漂亮的工作.


Microblading is a semi-permanent brow enhancement technique that adds volume and definition to the eyebrows. It’s performed with a special hand-held tool made up of a collection of tiny needles, which are used to make small incisions that manually deposit pigment into 你r skin. This creates fine hair-like strokes that result in beautiful, natural-looking brows.

The procedure takes about 90 minutes to complete and causes only mild discomfort. 最棒的是? 它需要零停机时间. You’ll leave the office that day with gorgeous eyebrows and ready to take on the world.

Microblading is a semi-permanent technique that uses a hand-held tool with tiny needles to create hair-like strokes, 从而形成自然的眉毛. 眉毛纹身, 另一方面, 这是一种将墨水深入皮肤的机器, 往往导致持久的, 更明确的外观.

Both microblading and modern brow tattooing are great treatments for patients looking to achieve their aesthetic goals. 


微叶片的设计是为了增强你已经拥有的东西. The artist draws individual strokes using a soft, feathered application that mimics real hair. The pigment blends in with 你r natural eyebrows to create realistic brows that fit the proportions of 你r face and highlight 你r unique features. That means each patient’s brows will look a little bit different, that’s a good thing!

微刀片并不是一种放之四海而皆准的方法. Tatjana会确保你的眉毛非常适合你 .

After 你r initial consultation, 你 can schedule 你r microblading appointment! 当你到达时, we will confirm that 你’ve followed all of the pre-procedure instructions before getting started.

Tatjana will start by cleaning up 你r brows so that they are prepped and ready to go. 然后, she applies a topical numbing cream to ensure that 你 are comfortable throughout the procedure. 在麻醉的过程中, 你 and Tatjana will work together to choose the best color and shape for 你r new brows. Tatjana会画出你的新眉形, taking special care to ensure they complement 你r bone structure and facial features. Once 你 agree on the shape and color, she can proceed with the microblading procedure.

在你的眉毛完成之后, she will apply a healing ointment to soothe 你r skin and protect 你r new brows. 你会得到具体的善后指导,仅此而已! 你已经准备好应付一切了!

因为它只被认为是半永久性的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 你的眉毛会褪色,需要时不时地补一下. 你的新眉毛可以维持1到3年, 平均18个月后,它们开始明显消退.

We recommend patients come back for their first touch-up about 4-6 weeks after 你r initial session, which is the optimal time to perfect the shape and ensure that 你 love 你r new brows. After that, depending on 你r skin type and lifestyle, 你 may need to schedule annual touch-ups.



  • 4周到3个月:100美元
  • 3到6个月:150美元
  • 6到9个月:250美元
  • 9到12个月:350美元

Microblading is great for those who have over-plucked their eyebrows or who naturally have very thin/light eyebrows that they want to accentuate. It can fill in gaps, cover scars and reshape the brows for a more flattering look. 结果各不相同, 虽然, it’s important to talk to 你r aesthetician about any skin conditions or health concerns 你 have to determine whether 你 are a good candidate for microblading.

Microblading works best on those who have normal, dry or combination skin with small pores. The reason why is that people with oily skin have a higher risk of rejecting the pigment or experiencing pigment hydration, 什么时候颜料会散开,使笔画融合在一起. 如果你有很瘦, 易受刺激的敏感皮肤, 你的微叶片色素保留率也可能很差.

Microblading may not be the correct solution for everyone, including those with/who are:

  • 18岁以下
  • 皮肤刺激/疾病,如晒伤, 牛皮癣, 湿疹, 带状疱疹, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网部位附近的痤疮和未确诊的皮疹或水疱
  • 在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域留下疤痕
  • 活动性皮肤癌在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域
  • 怀孕或哺乳
  • 糖尿病
  • 癫痫
  • 青光眼
  • 肝脏疾病
  • 对化妆品或颜色过敏
  • 容易形成瘢痕疙瘩
  • 心脏起搏器或主要心脏问题
  • 器官移植
  • 病毒感染或/或疾病
  • 在过去的一年中使用过维甲酸或类固醇
  • 在过去四周内注射过肉毒杆菌
  • 接受化疗/放疗
  • 服用血液稀释剂/抗凝药物

认识一下你的眉师Tatjana Dzamov

Tatjana -我们的首席医学美学家 -在美容行业工作了20多年, 专门从事皮肤病学和美容服务, 她被认证通过奢华美容和眉毛进行微刀. 在她的训练过程中, Tatjana完善了她的技术, 在纸上画出完美的发型, 2 d的皮肤, 3D皮肤和, 最后, 关于澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台模型. She even sources her ink from Hawaii to ensure it is the highest quality product.

Tatjana的所有作品都经过了Lavish Beauty and Brow的评分和批准, she has also received a tattoo license through the Columbus Public Health Department to perform the microblading procedure. 没有人比你更信任你的眉毛了!



当我们说Tatjana是一位令人难以置信的眉毛艺术家时,我们是认真的. 看看我们的办公室吧! 她就是为什么我们这么多人拥有完美眉毛的原因. Are 你 ready to walk into the room with even more confidence and time in 你r day? 我们邀请您与我们预约您的咨询时间!

